Wãké Up With Purpose

Acceptance and Support

March 18, 2023 Kaz Langness Season 2 Episode 5
Wãké Up With Purpose
Acceptance and Support
Show Notes

Just because you are accepted, doesn't mean you are supported
Just because you are supported, doesn't mean you are accepted

Being accepted in todays world is not ever guaranteed.  At times, getting caught up doing things of this world, such as following the path of your "friends" to feel accepted by them, getting involved in temporary "fun" as in partying, wearing or saying certain things because if you don't, you may be unfollowed on social media or not accepted by those who you surround yourself with. The feeling of need for Acceptance can make us feel so lonely. 
Being supported is just as hard at times. Thinking that you will be supported when you chase your goals/dreams only to find out that the only one supporting you is yourself, which is where support should always start. Thinking you will find support in your family, friends, coworkers, significant others and longing for their support..the why chase after something that is not needed? If God called you to it, He'll guide you through it. There's your acceptance and support